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美[kən'dem]  英[kən'dem]
vt.  谴责;判刑
  形容词:condemnable  名词:condemner  过去式:condemned  过去分词:condemned  现在分词:condemning  第三人称单数:condemns


  1. 谴责
  2. 使某人注定要
  3. 定(某人)罪
  4. 判(某人)罪
  5. 宣告
  6. 宣告(患者)无法治疗
  7. 宣告…完全无用
  8. 决定废弃
  9. 报废
  10. 责备
  11. 责难
  12. 宣告…有罪
  13. 判…刑
  14. 迫使…处于(不幸的状态)
  15. 宣告…不适用
  16. 宣告患不治之症
  17. 宣告没收
  18. 充公
  19. 判处
  20. 迫使…接受困境
  21. 宣告使用…不安全
  22. 证明有罪
  23. 指责
  24. 宣判


  1. vt. 谴责,责备 express strong disapproval
  2. vt. 判罪,处刑 give judgement against
  3. vt. 宣布…不能使用〔不适用〕 declare sth not to be useful or fit for


  1. express strong disapproval of;

    "We condemn the racism in South Africa" "These ideas were reprobated"

  2. declare or judge unfit for use or habitation;

    "The building was condemned by the inspector"

  3. compel or force into a particular state or activity;

    "His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence"

  4. demonstrate the guilt of (someone);

    "Her strange behavior condemned her"

  5. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law;

    "He was condemned to ten years in prison"

  6. appropriate (property) for public use;

    "the county condemned the land to build a highway"


  1. condemn one's foolish behaviour责备某人的愚蠢行为
  2. condemn murder谴责谋杀行为
  3. condemn the policy of aggression谴责侵略政策
  1. condemn blindly盲目谴责
  2. condemn indignantly愤怒地谴责
  3. condemn indiscriminately不分青红皂白地责难
  4. condemn mercilessly无情地谴责
  5. condemn mildly温和地责备
  6. condemn publicly公开地谴责
  7. condemn severely严厉地谴责
  8. condemn strongly强烈地谴责
  9. condemn unfairly〔unjustly〕不公正地谴责
  10. condemn unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地谴责
  11. condemn unsparingly不留情地指责
  1. condemn as把…谴责为,宣告(某人)犯有…罪
  2. condemn as traitors宣告犯有叛逆罪
  3. condemn for因…而宣告…有罪
  4. condemn for stealing因偷…被宣告有罪
  5. condemn sb for theft判某人盗窃罪
  6. condemn sb for treacherous behaviour因为…背信弃义而谴责…
  7. condemn sb to sth判某人…罪,处某人…刑
  8. condemn sb to death判某人死刑
  9. condemn sb to hard labor判苦役
  10. condemn sb to a life imprisonment判无期徒刑
  11. condemn sb to prison for ten years判处十年徒刑


  1. We must not condemn her on pure supposition.我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。
  2. We condemn all sorts of slanders.我们谴责一切诽谤中伤的言论。
  3. Most people are willing to condemn violence.大部分的人极力谴责暴力。
  4. The criminal was condemned to death.这个罪犯被判死刑。


    condemn的基本意思是责备或非难某人的不良行为,其批评的含义较强。condemn主要指最后的决定性的评价,所以常可用于表示“判罪”“处刑”,有时condemn也可指随意地、令人不快地评价。 condemn作“谴责”“责备”解时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词for表示原因,不能接that引导的从句; 作“判罪”解时,宾语后可跟动词不定式,也常跟介词to表示宣判的结果,接介词for表示判罪的原因; 作“宣布…不能使用/不适用”解时,可接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 condemn可用于被动结构。