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美[skruː]  英[skruː]
n.  螺钉;螺丝;螺状物;螺旋桨;螺旋;吝啬鬼;监狱看守人;<粗>性交;<英俚>工资;薪水
v.  拧紧;拧;压榨;<粗>性交
  形容词:screwable  名词:screwer  过去式:screwed  过去分词:screwed  现在分词:screwing  第三人称单数:screws


  1. 螺旋桨
  2. 螺旋状物,螺旋,螺(丝)钉,螺栓,螺杆,螺旋形,螺旋体
  3. 一转,一拧
  4. <口>守财奴
  5. <主英>一小纸卷
  6. <俚>监狱看守人
  7. 暗轮(轮船)
  8. 拔塞器,螺丝钻子
  9. <英俚>工资,收入
  1. 调节
  2. 鼓舞,使振作
  3. 压榨
  4. 操纵
  5. (用螺丝)固定
  6. 扭歪
  7. 皱起
  8. 强迫,强逼
  9. (做螺旋形)转动,用螺旋调节,起螺丝的作用
  10. 吝啬
  11. 【粗】操
  12. (用螺丝)拧紧,旋,拧,扭,扭转,拧转,旋紧
  13. 勒索,诈骗
  14. 加强(效率)
  15. 鼓起(勇气)
  16. 催促
  17. 拼命俭省,节省
  18. 眯紧(眼)
  19. <美俚>与…性交
  20. 搞糟
  21. 把揉成一团


  1. [C] 螺丝钉 a small metal thing with a sharp end, that you use for fixing things together
  1. vt. & vi. 用螺丝拧紧 fasten or tighten with a screw or screws
  2. vt. 使更有效率 twist round; make tight; be tense or more efficient
  3. vt. 加压力于; 压榨 exert pressure on; force (out of)


  1. someone who guards prisoners
  2. a simple machine of the inclined-plane type consisting of a spirally threaded cylindrical rod that engages with a similarly threaded hole
  3. a propeller with several angled blades that rotates to push against water or air
  4. a fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head
  5. slang for sexual intercourse
  1. have sexual intercourse with;

    "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm" "Adam knew Eve" "Were you ever intimate with this man?"

  2. turn like a screw
  3. cause to penetrate, as with a circular motion;

    "drive in screws or bolts"

  4. tighten or fasten by means of screwing motions;

    "Screw the bottle cap on"

  5. defeat someone through trickery or deceit


  1. remove〔tighten〕 a screw拧下〔拧紧〕螺丝钉
  1. loose screw松动的螺丝钉
  1. screw the lock上锁
  2. screw the two pipes together把这两根管子拧紧
  1. screw reluctantly勉强转动
  2. screw sufficiently充分地鼓舞
  3. screw universally普遍压榨
  4. screw around鬼混,浪荡
  5. screw down the lid用螺丝拧紧盖子
  6. screw off旋开
  7. screw on拧上
  8. screw together拧在一起
  9. screw up the back door把后门钉死
  10. screw up courage鼓起勇气
  11. screw up discipline加强纪律
  12. screw up a door将门钉死
  13. screw up a piece of paper into a ball把一张纸揉成一团
  1. screw a bracket into a wall用螺丝把托架钉在墙上
  2. screw the lid off the jar把瓶盖拧开
  3. screw the lid on the jar把瓶盖拧上
  4. screw more taxes out of the people向人民榨取更多的税
  5. screw water out of a sponge从海绵中挤出水来


  1. Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.将螺钉向右旋紧。
  2. One of the screws is loose.一只螺丝松了。
  3. The screw did its work, and Ressel was pleased.由于螺旋桨起了作用,所以莱塞尔感到高兴。
  4. He used all of his efforts to loosen the screw.他用尽全力来拧开这个螺旋装置。
  1. The table legs are screwed to the floor.这张桌子的腿是用螺丝固定在地板上的。
  2. Let's screw the two pipes together end to end.咱们把这两根管子接起来拧紧。
  3. He screwed the others out of their share of the money.他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。


    screw用作名词时意思是“螺丝”,转化成动词意思是“(用螺丝)将…拧紧”。引申可表示“转动”“使更有效率”“加压力于”“压榨”“鼓舞”等。 screw既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式含有被动意义。