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美['ʃædoʊ]  英['ʃædəʊ]
n.  影子;阴影;阴暗;荫;暗处
vt.  投阴影于;跟踪;预示
vi.  渐变;变阴暗
adj.  影子内阁的;阴影的
  名词:shadower  过去式:shadowed  过去分词:shadowed  现在分词:shadowing  第三人称单数:shadows


  1. 影子,影
  2. 少许,微量
  3. 形影不离的人,形影相随的人
  4. 阴影
  5. 幻影
  6. 阴暗处
  7. 黑眼圈
  8. 幽灵,鬼
  9. 阴暗,黑暗
  10. 影像
  11. 侦探
  12. 跟着客人来的人,不速之客
  13. 食客
  14. 影子(美国研制的一种攻击机 )
  1. 影子内阁的
  2. 不明的
  3. 非官方的,非正式的
  4. 阴影的
  1. 预示
  2. 遮蔽,遮住 ,遮盖,掩蔽
  3. 把影子投在...上,投阴影于,在…上投下阴影
  4. 用自身的影子遮住
  5. 遮阴,遮暗
  6. 隐藏,隐匿
  7. 保护,庇护
  8. 画阴影(于)
  9. 使阴暗,使阴郁,变阴郁,使变暗
  10. 跟牢,盯牢, 盯梢,尾随,跟踪
  11. 渐变
  12. 模糊地表示
  13. 变朦胧
  14. 跟随…实地学习
  15. 暗示,预示(常与with连用)


  1. [U] 阴影,阴暗 darkness caused by the blocking of direct light, especially sunlight
  2. [C] 影子 a dark shape made on a surface by sth between the surface and direct light
  1. vt. 遮蔽 darken with a shadow
  2. vt. 跟踪 keep a secret watch on; follow closely and watch all the movements of


  1. shade within clear boundaries
  2. an unilluminated area;

    "he moved off into the darkness"

  3. something existing in perception only;

    "a ghostly apparition at midnight"

  4. a premonition of something adverse;

    "a shadow over his happiness"

  5. an indication that something has been present;

    "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim" "a tincture of condescension"

  6. refuge from danger or observation;

    "he felt secure in his father's shadow"

  7. a dominating and pervasive presence;

    "he received little recognition working in the shadow of his father"

  8. a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
  9. an inseparable companion;

    "the poor child was his mother's shadow"

  1. follow, usually without the person's knowledge;

    "The police are shadowing her"

  2. cast a shadow over
  3. make appear small by comparison;

    "This year's debt dwarfs that of last year"


  1. cast a shadow投影
  2. catch at shadows捕风捉影
  3. find the shadow发现影子
  4. live in the shadow过着默默无闻的生活
  5. make a shadowin在…里投下阴影
  6. project a shadow投影
  7. run after a shadow捕风捉影
  8. see a shadow看到影子
  9. throw a shadow on the ground在地上留下一个影子
  1. dancing shadow跳动的影子,晃动的影子
  2. deep shadow深影
  3. inky shadow黑影
  4. long shadow长长的影子
  1. evening shadows暮色
  2. eye shadow眼影膏
  3. moonlight shadow月光照的影子
  4. twilight shadow暮色
  5. wood-land shadow森林的深处
  6. person's shadow人影
  7. tree's shadow树影
  1. beneath the shadow of a tree在树阴下
  2. in deep shadow为暗影所遮掩
  3. in the shadows在暗处
  4. area of light and shadow明暗的部分
  5. under the shadow of在…附近,在…的影响(或控制)之下,有…危险的
  6. under the shadow of a tree在树阴下
  7. without the shadow of doubt没有丝毫怀疑
  1. shadow into变阴暗,变朦胧
  1. shadow the enemy fighters跟踪敌人的战斗机
  2. shadow the house遮蔽房子
  1. shadow bewilderingly使人迷惑地跟踪
  2. shadow comprehensively全面地跟踪
  3. shadow confidentially机密地跟踪
  4. shadow convincingly令人信服地跟踪
  5. shadow dramatically出人意料地跟踪
  6. shadow effectively有效地跟踪
  7. shadow immediately立即跟踪
  8. shadow impossibly不可能跟踪
  9. shadow instantaneously即刻跟踪
  10. shadow necessarily必要地遮蔽
  11. shadow promptly迅速遮蔽
  12. shadow reluctantly勉强跟踪
  13. shadow secretly秘密地跟踪
  14. shadow universally广泛地跟踪
  15. shadow unnecessarily不必要地跟踪
  16. shadow unreasonably不合理地跟踪


  1. The tree cast its shadow on the wall.树影映在墙上。
  2. His shadow followed him along the road.他的影子一路上跟着他。
  3. The scandal cast a shadow on his career.这件丑闻给他的事业投上了一层阴影。
  4. Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow.有时候她独自一人坐在幽暗处。
  5. For years he lived in the shadow of his famous mother.他受母亲盛名荫庇多年。
  6. He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him.他走在暗处,希望没有人认出他来。
  1. Figmentary fears can shadow our whole existence.想像中的恐惧能使我们整个生活蒙上阴影。
  2. He employed a detective to shadow his wife.他雇用了一名私人侦探去跟踪他的夫人。
  3. If there is no shadow, spring is on the way.如果它没有看到影子,则预示着春天即将到来。
  1. Any pregnant woman who paed through her shadow would miscarry.穿过她的阴影的所有孕妇会失败。
  2. Add a Drop Shadow to the sketchbook using a simple layer style.添加阴影的写生使用简单的图层样式。


    shadow表示“阴影,阴暗”时,是不可数名词; 表示“人或物的影子”时,是可数名词。 shadow指投射到平面上的黑暗部分,作“部分黑暗”“半暗”解时,常用复数形式。 shadow还可喻指“不祥之兆”。
    shadow用作动词意思是“投影于…之上”“遮蔽光亮”,指一物体使另一物体模糊不清。引申可表示“变阴暗”“变朦胧”“紧跟着”“盯梢”等。 shadow既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,多与介词into连用。