

时间:2024-07-18 11:47:12 作文




英语,属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊与朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地。下面是小编为你带来的 英语日记范文10篇,欢迎阅读。


Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.

现如今报纸具有极大的价值,每个人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们可以养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来适应我们的环境。学生虽然每天都要做功课,但是他们至少可以匀出一两个小时来看报。这样,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生非常有 益处。

第二天:MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活

Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.

I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.

After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.





Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.




There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.




第五天:BOOKS 书籍

As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.




One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful).

When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.





It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is...). In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). I consider this an unchangeable truth.

How can a student love his country (be patriotic)? I find my answer very simple and clear. He must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future. If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful.




An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.




If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English.


第十天:MY BIRTHDAY 我的生日

Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.





第十篇四: Today we have gone to the zoo, plays very happy in there us. We saw the tiger lion elephant also has the peacock which I most like, in brief today is happiest day @ which I play. 译文:今篇我们去了动物园,在那里我们玩的很开心。我们见到了老虎、狮子、大象还有我最喜欢的孔雀,总之今篇是我玩的最开心的一篇。

When I was six years old, I began to go to school. The first school (which) I attended was a primary school. There were many subjects (which were taught in the school, such as Chinese, arithmetic, history, geography, drawing and so forth. Since I was (became) a student, I studied very hard. My parents were quite proud of me.

After I had studied there for three years, I entered a junior high school. When I was twelve years old, I became a student of a senior high school. I still studied very hard. Except on sick leave I was never absent from class. Everybody looked upon me as a model student.



Though the people in the world are all opposed to war, they can by no means avoid it. This is indeed a regrettable thing.

War is very terrible. Everybody hears it with fear. In a war thousands and thousands of lives will be lost and a large amount of money (will be) wasted. It brings us untold miseries and damage.

To sum up, so long as war is unavoidable, human beings cannot enjoy lasting peace. How tragical their fate is!




We all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our health.

Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness. However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life.

In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. They are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise.




Everybody wishes (hopes) to get money so that he can maintain his livelihood. In other words, money is so useful that it is impossible for mankind to live without it. For this reason, we have an interesting proverb. It says “Money can make the world go around.” In a word, money is more powerful than anything else.

However, money should not be wasted. It must be used for (some) proper purposes. We young men should form the good habit of not spending money in the wrong way.



I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. To be frank with you, I am as happy as a king.

The Chinese new year lasts as long as fifteen days. It gives us more pleasure than we have imagined. After that we have to(比用must来得好)resume our normal work.



The zoo is the most interesting place that I have ever seen in my whole life. It is like a garden which shows (exhibits) various kinds of animals, birds and insects.

It is indeed a good idea to pay a visit to the zoo during school holidays. The more you look at the animals, the happier you will bee. Of (Among) all the animals, the monkey is (monkeys are) the funniest. That’s my opinion. Do you agree.



No sooner had the summer vacation begun than I returned to my native town. Of course I must make good use of it; otherwise I would incur the displeasure of my parents.

In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines. In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river. At night (In the night) I watched television with my family (the members of my family). hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed.



If we have no knowledge, we cannot sueed in doing any work. Why? Because knowledge is power. With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes. We can send messages by telegram. We can talk with our friends by telephone.

As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation. She (It) needs us very much. If we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can we render service to her (it)?

如果我们没有知识,我们就不能做成功任何事情。为什么?因为知识就是力量。冯藉知识我们征服了大自然,并且创造了轮船,火车与飞机。我们能用电报传递消息。我们能用 和朋友谈话。


Dear X:

We have not seen each other for a long time. I miss (think of) you very much. I wish (that) I had wings and could fly to your home. However, this is impossible!

Father (My father) has gone abroad of late. If I had had time then, I would have aompanied him. Only Mother (my mother) and I are at home now (at present). We are leading (living) a quiet and happy life. We look as if we were fairies. I hope (that) I can hear from you very often.

Sincerely yours.





××× 敬上

A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them. Why? Because there are more false friends than real ones in this world. To have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones. Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends.

We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart. On the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping pany with bad people.



Dear X:

We have not seen each other for a long time. I miss (think of) you very much. I wish (that) I had wings and could fly to your home. However, this is impossible!

Father (My father) has gone abroad of late. If I had had time then, I would have aompanied him. Only Mother (my mother) and I are at home now (at present). We are leading (living) a quiet and happy life. We look as if we were fairies. I hope (that) I can hear from you very often.

Sincerely yours.





××× 敬上

A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them. Why? Because there are more false friends than real ones in this world. To have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones. Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends.

We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart. On the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping pany with bad people.



I do not know the reason why some people want to get up late. They will never have the opportunity to enjoy (of enjoying) the fresh air and calmness of the morning. This is indeed a quite regrettable thing.To rise early is a good habit (which) we should cultivate. Why? Because the best time when we can pursue our studies is in the morning. In addition, early rising is also good to our health. I hope that everybody our knows the reason why we must rise early.

我不知道某些人要晚起的理由。他们永不会有时机来享受早晨的新鲜空气和宁静。这真是一件 发令人遗憾的事情。早起是我们应该养成的一种良好习惯。为什么?因为早晨是我们从事学业的大好时间。再者,早起对我们安康也有益处。我希望每个人应该知道我们必须早起的理由。

There is not a (no) thrifty man but bees a rich man sooner or later. Why? Because he will not spend such money as is unnecessary. Little by little his money will aumulate. Ten to one, he is bound to make a fortune.I do not like such men as spend their money in a wrong way. They do not know extravagance is a bad thing. It can only make them happy for the time being. In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor.



Needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead a man to the way of suess. In other words, a persevering man never does his work without sueeding in it. This is indeed unchangeable truth.Our National Father, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, is the most ideal example. He was devoted to the revolution about forty years. He met with many failures, but he was anything but discouraged. As a result, he won. The Republic of China was born.


My mother is a woman of the old school. She is too conservative to keep up with the times. However, she is good-natured and treats others incerely. For this reason, all her neighbors are only too glad (pleased) to make friends with her. They consider her a model woman.She is a typical housewife. She keeps the (her) house neat and clean and looks after us with extreme care . She often says to us, “You cannot study too ard.”



The secret of suess (The key to suess) is not so much money as a strong will. A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit. In other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win (get) the final victory, he will never sueed in his life. He is no more than a failure.It is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing (nothing difficult) in the world. if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly aomplish your end. That stands to reason.

成功的要诀不是金钱而是一个坚强的意志(用not so mush... as)。一个大人物是一个具有坚强意志和不屈不挠精神的人。换句话说,如果一个人没有坚强意志去获得最后胜利的人,他终其一生永远不会成功。他只不过是(用no more than)一个失败者。很显明的世界上并没有难事。如果你下定决心去做它,你一定会到达目的。那是显而易见的。

Education is the very thing that we want to receive. Our parents send us to school so as to enable us to get (obtain) knowledge and achieve great things in the future. The following are the duties of a student (which) we should keep in mind.

In the first place, we should be filial to our parents and respectful to our teacher.

In the second place, we have to (must )study as hard as we can.

In the third place, we must not tell lies.

Last of all, we must not criticize others.

To sum up, the above-mentioned rules are the very duties of a student.







When someone disagrees with you or offends you, don’t lose your temper. Why? Because it is of no use to do so. You ought to (should) be patient and keep calm lest you should quarrel with him. You must know that patience is not cowardice, but a virtue. I hope that everybody practices it.

In addition, patience will also bring us suess. When you meet with difficulties in your work, it is no use losing heart. You must keep on fighting until (till) the final victory belongs to you.

当有人和你意见不同或开罪你的时候,你切不可发脾气。为什么?因为这样做是无用的(用of no use)。你应当忍耐并且保持冷静,唯恐和他争吵。你必须知道忍耐不是弱而是一种美德。我希望人人都实行它。


Not only is summer a hot season but also diseases are apt to happen. To us it is neither fortable nor safe.If we do not wish to get sick, we must pay attention to the following sanitary ways in summer.Both fresh air and clean food are indispensable to us.We must try our best to get (obtain) them.We should take at least one bath every day.Don’t wear dirty clothes.

In conclusion, if we can carry out the above – mentioned rules, we will neither get (take/fall) sick nor suffer pain.



Both work and play are necessary to us; the former gives us knowledge while the latter (gives) rest. An English proverb is well said: “Work while you work play while you play.” It makes our life pleasant, efficient and suessful.Work is one thing and play is another. It is of course not good to work all day long. However, it is also not good to play all day long. While you work, you should work in earnest. Then while you play, you will feel more relaxed and pleasant. That goes without saying.


It goes without saying that work without rest will do harm to health. In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work.There is no doubt that there are a number of amusements, such as playing ball games, collecting stamps, fishing, gardening, skating and so on.

As for (to) me, I take great delight in gardening. Whenever I am at leisure, I am austomed to growing flowers. I regard them as my most agreeable panion.



I would rather suffer hardships than fail. In other words, to achieve suess is my only desire. We all know that there are many factors of suess. Now let me write down the most important ones in the following.

Diligence—Foolish as a person is, he can sueed in his work if he works hard. That does not admit of any doubt.

Perseverance—When you fail, don’t lose heart. Keep on working until you aomplish your aim.

Honesty—If you tell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on you. I would rather be scolded than cheat (others).








Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on.It won‘t stay to wait for somebody. You can‘t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won‘t leave them more. Today I found I hadn‘t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do.

I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do.


第二节公开课,我们心情都很兴奋,老师让我们说喜欢吃什么东西的时候,我立马举手,因为我印的图片上有一个饺子dumpling(s),可是,由于地形不佳,被小李子——李家益抢了。说外国人喜欢吃什么的时候,我也举手了,老师也叫我了,我就赶紧说:“hotdog”,然后到了小组买东西的时候,老师才叫我,小组买东西是一个小组活动,老师让我们一个人问另一个人:“what a bout a/an…… ”然后再到老师的商店里买东西,那些东西都是一张小纸片。老师第一个就叫我们组,第一个问的是我,我要了“hot dog”和西瓜,然后老师又喊一个小组上来买东西,就下课了。




在翻译过程中,我发现术语都出现在人名、地名、组织名称、公司名称、电信公司等。让我记忆犹新的就是“AT&T”的翻译,因为这个词在生活中比拟常见,是American Telephone & Telegraph的缩写形式,中文意思是“美国 电报公司”。还有Rupert Murdoch,起初这个词我并没有查,因为上学期在报刊学的课上老师讲过这个人,鲁伯特·默多克,我印象尤深。他出生于澳大利亚墨尔本以南30英里的一个农场,是美国新闻和媒体经营者,目前是新闻集团的主要股东,董事长兼行政总裁。以股票市值来计算,他的新闻集团已是世界上最大的跨国媒体集团。另外,我还记住了magnate这个词,“巨头,富豪,权贵,大资本家”之意。联想到magnificent(宏大的,庄严的,堂皇的;(衣服、装饰等)华美的;极其动人的;(体型)优美的,强健的;〔口语〕顶呱呱的)这个词就更容易记了。此外,我还查到了tycoon, baron, the titan, pundit也有“巨头、大亨”之意。

I made a decision today. Becuase I often lose my confidence, I decide tell myself 'go' in front of mirror after getting up every day. I believe this will make me confident. Thus, I can do things I want bravely. Now, I will say, 'Keep going'.


This morning, when I finished my English class, liu chengyu invited me to his home for dumplings at night. Jiaozi is my favorite food, I didn't hesitate to promise him.

In the evening, I should e to liu chengyu's home, the dumplings have been wrapped. His mother is preparing to make dumplings. The dumpling is like a "little duck" with a big belly. See these "little duck" scrambling to jump into the pot, after the "bath", "little duck" and float up in a panic, and turned over, as if to say "I cooked, quick to eat me!" The dumplings are ripe, one by one into the bowl, to the table. I can't wait to nip a bite -- ah, it's so sweet! I ate 17 dumplings in one gulp, and then I put down my chopsticks satisfiedly and played games with liu chengyu.

It is said that the dumpling was first invented by zhang zhongjing from the north. He is a doctor. In order to prevent people from frostbite, the mutton and other food, such as the dumplings wrapped in flour, and then in a large pot cooked to the frostbitten people to eat. After many improvements, it became the present dumpling.

The dumplings are delicious and memorable. I can't help but say, "dumplings are delicious!"



:日记英语日记 第1篇:

WHY SHOULD WE STUDY xxxx 为什么我们要学英文

If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear。 Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following。In the first place, English has bee an international language。 If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood。In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English。 If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English。


英语日记 第2篇:

I went to the People’s Park with my family today。 We had picnic in the park。 My mother and grandparents were preparing food, father was playing badminton with his friend while I was reading under a tree。


英语日记 第3篇:

MY AIM 我的志向

Whatever a man’s status is (may be), he must have an aim。 If not, he can hardly stand on his own two feet in the world。 That stands to reason。However important fame and wealth may be, we must not let them bee our object in life。 We should aim at doing something useful to the society。If my aim can e true, I hope (wish) to be a teacher。 However, teaching is by no means an easy thing。 I must apply myself closely to my studies so as to be able to cope with my duties (as a teacher)。


英语日记 第4篇:

THE xxxxNCE OF xxxxON 教育的重要性

It is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education。 Why? Because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to bee good citizens so as to be able to serve their country。 No wonder they say that education decides the progress, prosperity and civilization of a country。At present (Nowadays) most countries in (of) the world are enforcing pulsory education。 It is necessary for all kinds of people, both rich and poor, to receive education。 Taiwan is an exception as well not。


英语日记 第5篇:

HOW TO GET xxxxSS 如何获得欢乐

There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world。 Without it, life will be empty and meaningless。 If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points。

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness)。 Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life。

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment。 A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress。




英语日记 第6篇:

I read an article today。 It was about how people should try their best to save water。 Water is very important for human being but some people are just wasting water。 They don’t turn off the tap after they finish using it。 We should do better to save water。


英语日记 第7篇:


We all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our health。

Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess。 Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness。 However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life。

In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things。 They are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise。




英语日记 第8篇:

MY xxxxE xxxx 我心爱的消遣

It goes without saying that work without rest will do harm to health。 In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work。There is no doubt that there are a number of amusements, such as playing ball games, collecting stamps, fishing, gardening, skating and so on。

As for (to) me, I take great delight in gardening。 Whenever I am at leisure, I am accustomed to growing flowers。 I regard them as my most agreeable panion。



英语日记 第9篇:

HOW TO SPEND xxxx 如何消度星期日

Some of us always spend Sundays aimlessly。 We can seldom derive profits from the valuable hours (time) of Sundays。 This is indeed a great pity。 Though Sundays are set aside as a day for rest, we must make good use of them。We know that our school lessons are usually not sufficient。 We should often utilize Sundays to read reference books。 In this way we will increase our knowledge。 Besides, we must be engaged in sports or outing so as to strengthen our bodies。


英语日记 第10篇:


The zoo is the most interesting place that I have ever seen in my whole life。 It is like a garden which shows (exhibits) various kinds of animals, birds and insects。

It is indeed a good idea to pay a visit to the zoo during school holidays。 The more you look at the animals, the happier you will bee。 Of (Among) all the animals, the monkey is (monkeys are) the funniest。 That’s my opinion。 Do you agree。



英语日记 第11篇:

xxxxY WAYS IN SUMMER 夏天的卫生方法

Not only is summer a hot season but also diseases are apt to happen。 To us it is neither fortable nor safe。If we do not wish to get sick, we must pay attention to the following sanitary ways in summer。Both fresh air and clean food are indispensable to us。We must try our best to get (obtain) them。We should take at least one bath every day。Don’t wear dirty clothes。

In conclusion, if we can carry out the above – mentioned rules, we will neither get (takefall) sick nor suffer pain。



英语日记 第12篇:


Everybody wishes (hopes) to get money so that he can maintain his livelihood。 In other words, money is so useful that it is impossible for mankind to live without it。 For this reason, we have an interesting proverb。 It says “Money can make the world go around。” In a word, money is more powerful than anything else。

However, money should not be wasted。 It must be used for (some) proper purposes。 We young men should form the good habit of not spending money in the wrong way。



英语日记 第13篇:

WHY SHOULD WE STUDY xxxx 为什么我们要学英文

If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear。 Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following。In the first place, English has bee an international language。 If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood。In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English。 If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English。


英语日记 第14篇:

xxxxGE IS POWER 知识就是力量

If we have no knowledge, we cannot succeed in doing any work。 Why? Because knowledge is power。 With knowledge we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes。 We can send messages by telegram。 We can talk with our friends by telephone。

As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation。 She (It) needs us very much。 If we do not make efforts to acquire knowledge, how can we render service to her (it)?



英语日记 第15篇:

Today, I did housework for grandmother。 She is not very healthy and I decide to do housework for her more frequently。 And she will feel happy and bee better。 Suddenly, an idea hit me that it’s terrible to grow old becuase you have to worry about both your health and others’ opinions。 Once again, I make a decision to be a good girl。


英语日记 第16篇:

A TRIP TO THE xxxx 乡村游记

One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country。 She bade me take good care of him。

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently。 We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees。 The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful)。

When we felt tired, we returned home。 We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door。




英语日记 第17篇:

THE xxxxS OF xxxxNG 旅行的益处

I am always interested in traveling。 My reasons are quite (extremely) simple and clear。 If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint(s), I shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking。

In the first place, traveling increases our knowledge。 Only by traveling can we see (因为用(only)开头,主动词须颠倒)things outside our home town。

In the second place, traveling is good to our health。 While we are traveling, we usually exercise our bodies。

In conclusion, I earnestly hope that everybody must seize (grasp at) the opportunity of traveling。




英语日记 第18篇:

THE xxxxL FLAG 国旗

It is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag。 Why? Because the national flag is the symbol of a (the) country。 To respect it means to respect the country。 In other words, if a man loves his country, he must love the national flag。

In school, the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day。 Then the principal, teachers, staff and students are to (must) stand before it and sing the national anthem。 It is indeed extremely meaningful to attend such a ceremony。



英语日记 第19篇:


There is not a (no) thrifty man but bees a rich man sooner or later。 Why? Because he will not spend such money as is unnecessary。 Little by little his money will accumulate。 Ten to one, he is bound to make a fortune。I do not like such men as spend their money in a wrong way。 They do not know extravagance is a bad thing。 It can only make them happy for the time being。 In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor。



英语日记 第20篇:


When I was six years old, I began to go to school。 The first school (which) I attended was a primary school。 There were many subjects (which were taught in the school, such as Chinese, arithmetic, history, geography, drawing and so forth。 Since I was (became) a student, I studied very hard。 My parents were quite proud of me。

After I had studied there for three years, I entered a junior high school。 When I was twelve years old, I became a student of a senior high school。 I still studied very hard。 Except on sick leave I was never absent from class。 Everybody looked upon me as a model student。



英语日记 第21篇:

xxxx OF xxxx 成功要素

I would rather suffer hardships than fail。 In other words, to achieve success is my only desire。 We all know that there are many factors of success。 Now let me write down the most important ones in the following。

Diligence―Foolish as a person is, he can succeed in his work if he works hard。 That does not admit of any doubt。

Perseverance―When you fail, don’t lose heart。 Keep on working until you acplish your aim。

Honesty―If you tell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on you。 I would rather be scolded than cheat (others)。





英语日记 第22篇:

xxxxY (xxxxCE) 勤勉

It is a matter of course that industry will bring us success, wealth and good luck。 I am sure that a hard-working person can always succeed in the work which he wants to do。 This is unchangeable truth。

Idleness is the opposite of industry。 It is the source of all evil。 An idle man only enjoys playing and making pleasures。 That he is doomed to failure is of no doubt。 We should not follow his example。



英语日记 第23篇:

Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents。 Mother prepared a tea party for me。 I invited all of them to e and take part in it。The tea party began at half past six。 There were cold drinks and refreshments。 We ate, talked and laughed。 We felt that we were the happest men in the world。


英语日记 第24篇:

I went to see a film in the cinema this evening。 It was called Kong Fu Panda。 I love this film。 It is funny but I also learned something from the film。 We should not give up things easily。 We should have a good plan and make up our mind to make our dream e true。


英语日记 第25篇:

It was sunny and very hot today。 I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast。 Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room。 After a short rest I did my homework in the morning。 In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends。 It was really cool to swim in such a hot day。 I surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening。 I really had a busy and interesting day。

这天天气晴朗比较热。 我起得很早,帮我的父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。 午时我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。 在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。 晚上我上网、看故事书。我这天很忙过得很搞笑。

英语日记 第26篇:


No sooner had the summer vacation begun than I returned to my native town。 Of course I must make good use of it; otherwise I would incur the displeasure of my parents。

In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines。 In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river。 At night (In the night) I watched television with my family (the members of my family)。 hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed。



英语日记 第27篇:


There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy。” It signifies the importance of honesty。

What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be honest to you in return。 When you are sad, they will fort you。 When you are in trouble, they will help you。

There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here。 In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy。




英语日记 第28篇:


My native town is X。 We have settled down here since my grandfather was a child。 In other words, my family has lived here for more than one hundred years。

It is a small village。 There are about one thousand inhabitants。 Most of them are farmers。 The mode of their living is very simple。 However, they have already possessed television sets and refrigerators。 They made up their minds to live a modern life。



英语日记 第29篇:

This morning I woke up at 6 o ’clock is to the kitchen for mom made a bowl of beef and tomato noodles, mother looked at me as she do breakfast is very happy, she finally put all eat noodles, very delicious, also say I grew up, not a kid, can look after himself, I listened also very happy。


英语日记 第30篇:

I got up early this morning。 After breakfast I went to the beach near my home with my friends。 We went there by bike。 As soon as we got there, we played with the sand and walked on the beach。 We also went boating。It was really fantastic。 In the afternoon I went to the library and read books there。 I also helped my parents make dinner。 After dinner I washed the dishes。 In the evening I did my homework。 Then I surfed the internet。 I had a busy and interesting day。


英语日记 第31篇:

WAR 战争

Though the people in the world are all opposed to war, they can by no means avoid it。 This is indeed a regrettable thing。

War is very terrible。 Everybody hears it with fear。 In a war thousands and thousands of lives will be lost and a large amount of money (will be) wasted。 It brings us untold miseries and damage。

To sum up, so long as war is unavoidable, human beings cannot enjoy lasting peace。 How tragical their fate is!




英语日记 第32篇:

xxxxG xxxx 选择朋友

A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them。 Why? Because there are more false friends than real ones in this world。 To have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones。 Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends。

We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart。 On the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping pany with bad people。



英语日记 第33篇:

I went to visit one of our teachers with some of my classmates this morning。 Miss Jones is our English teacher and she likes all the classmates。 She tried so hard to help us to improve our English。 We went to her flat and had lunch there with her。 We had a good time。


英语日记 第34篇:

I didn’t go anywhere today。 I stayed at home doing my homework and helping my mother with housework。 I realised it was not easy to do so much housework all by oneself。 I should help mother more in the future。


英语日记 第35篇:

Mingming came to my house today。 We spent some time playing puter games。 We played basketball game online。 I chose NBA and Mingming had to take CBA。 Of course, I won finally。 We had a good time。

明明今日我家。我们一齐玩电脑游戏。我们打在线篮球游戏。我选NBA 球队,明明只能选CBA球队。当然,我赢了。我们玩的很开心。

英语日记 第36篇:

I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival。 This is a time especially for rest and joy。 I need not study。 I wear good clothes and eat good food。 I have a good time from morning till night。 I am as happy as a king。


英语日记 第37篇:

A MODEL xxxx 模范学生

Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not。 So far as I know, everybody intends to be (bee) a model student。

However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing。 First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge。 A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed。 Secondly, he must remember to improve his health。 Only a strong man can do great tasks。 Thirdly, he should receive moral education。 If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him。



英语日记 第38篇:

DUTIES OF A xxxx 学生的职责

Education is the very thing that we want to receive。 Our parents send us to school so as to enable us to get (obtain) knowledge and achieve great things in the future。 The following are the duties of a student (which) we should keep in mind。

In the first place, we should be filial to our parents and respectful to our teacher。

In the second place, we have to (must )study as hard as we can。

In the third place, we must not tell lies。

Last of all, we must not criticize others。

To sum up, the above-mentioned rules are the very duties of a student。







英语日记 第39篇:

OUR xxxxL FATHER 我的国父

There is no doubt that Dr。 Sun Yat-Sen is the greatest man that I ever known in my whole life。 He set up the Republic of China, so we call him our National Father。He was devoted to the revolution about forty years。 His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty。 He had not met with result, but he was not discouraged at all。 As a result, he acplished his end in the long run。

To sum up, his strong will and indomitable spirit are worth our worship and imitation (are worth our worshiping and imitating)。



英语日记 第40篇:

What a fine day today !I’m very happy in this fine day 。 Beaucse today I don’t have to do my homework and I can play with my good friends 。There is lots of snow now ,so we make a sonw man 。That’s really intersting 。We play with snow to about 6:30 。Of couse I must go home now。 What a fan day !

多么好的天气阿!在这样的好天气里我十分高兴,因为这天我不用写作业,并且能够和朋友们出去玩。那里此刻有很多雪,所以我们堆了一个雪人。那真的很搞笑。我们玩雪,一向到晚上6:30。当然此刻我务必回家了。 多么搞笑的一天啊!

英语日记 第41篇:

THE xxxx NEW YEAR 中国新年

I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival。 This is a time especially for rest and joy。 I need not study。 I wear good clothes and eat good food。 I have a good time from morning till night。 To be frank with you, I am as happy as a king。

The Chinese new year lasts as long as fifteen days。 It gives us more pleasure than we have imagined。 After that we have to(比用must得好)resume our normal work。



英语日记 第42篇:

TO BE xxxx 要忍耐

When someone disagrees with you or offends you, don’t lose your temper。 Why? Because it is of no use to do so。 You ought to (should) be patient and keep calm lest you should quarrel with him。 You must know that patience is not cowardice, but a virtue。 I hope that everybody practices it。

In addition, patience will also bring us success。 When you meet with difficulties in your work, it is no use losing heart。 You must keep on fighting until (till) the final victory belongs to you。

当有人和你意见不一样或开罪你的时候,你切不可发脾气。为什么?因为这样做是无用的(用of no use)。你应当忍耐并且坚持冷静,唯恐和他争吵。你必须明白忍耐不是弱而是一种美德。我期望人人都实行它。


英语日记 第43篇:


My mother is a woman of the old school。 She is too conservative to keep up with the times。 However, she is good-natured and treats others incerely。 For this reason, all her neighbors are only too glad (pleased) to make friends with her。 They consider her a model woman。She is a typical housewife。 She keeps the (her) house neat and clean and looks after us with extreme care 。 She often says to us, “You cannot study too ard。”


英语日记 第44篇:


An English proverb says that time is money。 I consider it (this) wrong。 Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway)。 For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money。

Many people do not know the value of time。 It (this) is indeed a great pity。 We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life。



英语日记 第45篇:

HOW TO BE A GOOD xxxx 如何做一个好公民

My aim is to bee a good citizen so as to be able to render service to the (my) country。 However, to bee a good citizen is not an easy thing。 He has many duties to fulfill。The first duty of a good citizen is to love his country。 He is to (must) be ready to sacrifice even his own life for the country。His second duty is to obey the law and help the government (to) maintain order。 If everybody can do so, the country will be rich and strong (powerful)。


英语日记 第46篇:


As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things。 They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character。 In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends。 This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books。

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books。 It is true that we can derive benefits from good books。 However, bad books will do us more harm than good。



英语日记 第47篇:

My father took me out fishing today。 At the beginning, we spent a long time waiting there but there was no fish。 I was very impatient and didn’t want to stay there。 I wanted to e home。 Father said to me, “Don’t give up everything easily。 We should keep on trying hard”。


英语日记 第48篇:


The secret of success (The key to success) is not so much money as a strong will。 A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit。 In other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win (get) the final victory, he will never succeed in his life。 He is no more than a failure。It is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing (nothing difficult) in the world。 if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly acplish your end。 That stands to reason。

成功的要诀不是金钱而是一个坚强的意志(用not so mush。。。 as)。一个大人物是一个具有坚强意志和不屈不挠精神的人。换句话说,如果一个人没有坚强意志去获得最终胜利的人,他终其一生永远不会成功。他只可是是(用no more than)一个失败者。很显明的世界上并没有难事。如果你下定决心去做它,你必须会到达目的。那是显而易见的。

英语日记 第49篇:

HOW xxxxE HELPS 运动的利益

If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull。 And at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study。 Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong。

Why are our bodies not strong? Because we do not pay attention to exercise。 For this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym。

Exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease。 It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team。




英语日记 第50篇:

xxxxRANCE 毅力/坚忍

Needless to say, nothing but perseverance can lead a man to the way of success。 In other words, a persevering man never does his work without succeeding in it。 This is indeed unchangeable truth。Our National Father, Dr。 Sun Yat-Sen, is the most ideal example。 He was devoted to the revolution about forty years。 He met with many failures, but he was anything but discouraged。 As a result, he won。 The Republic of China was born。


英语日记 第51篇:


Both work and play are necessary to us; the former gives us knowledge while the latter (gives) rest。 An English proverb is well said: “Work while you work play while you play。” It makes our life pleasant, efficient and successful。Work is one thing and play is another。 It is of course not good to work all day long。 However, it is also not good to play all day long。 While you work, you should work in earnest。 Then while you play, you will feel more relaxed and pleasant。 That goes without saying。


英语日记 第52篇:


Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it。 Why? Because I intend to be a good student。 I wish to render service to my country。

I get up at six o’clock every day。 After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons。 I go to school at seven o’clock。

After school is over, I return home。 We usually have supper at seven o’clock。Then I begin to do my homework。 I want to finish it before I go to bed。




英语日记 第53篇:

Next week I would like to go to Kaifeng and parents。 Kaifeng has many great snacks, such as steamed buns, sesame seed Gaul。 Kaifeng also on the famous Qingming River Park, I think it has to be very beautiful。 My parents will be opened to see my uncle and live in his house one night。


英语日记 第54篇:

xxxxG xxxx 选择朋友

A man who is careful in choosing friends will certainly derive benefit from them。 Why? Because there are more false friends than real ones in this world。 To have one real friends is better than a hundred false ones。 Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends。

We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart。 On the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping pany with bad people。



英语日记 第55篇:

The end of the summer, should have a good rest! But my mother is very busy。 As the daughter of course I want to help my mother to do some。 Early in the morning I got up, washed the dishes, sweep the floor, cooking and so on, at noon, I tired, lying on the bed, fan fan, more fortable。


英语日记 第56篇:

A TRIP TO THE xxxx 乡村游记

One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country。 She bade me take good care of him。

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently。 We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees。 The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful)。

When we felt tired, we returned home。 We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door。




英语日记 第57篇:

BE xxxxIC 要爱国

It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is。。。)。 In order to acplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country)。 I consider this an unchangeable truth。

How can a student love his country (be patriotic)? I find my answer very simple and clear。 He must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future。 If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful。



英语日记 第58篇:


I do not know the reason why some people want to get up late。 They will never have the opportunity to enjoy (of enjoying) the fresh air and calmness of the morning。 This is indeed a quite regrettable thing。To rise early is a good habit (which) we should cultivate。 Why? Because the best time when we can pursue our studies is in the morning。 In addition, early rising is also good to our health。 I hope that everybody our knows the reason why we must rise early。

我不明白某些人要晚起的理由。他们永不会有机会享受早晨的新鲜空气和宁静。这真是一件 发令人遗憾的事情。早起是我们应当养成的一种良好习惯。为什么?因为早晨是我们从事学业的大好时光。再者,早起对我们健康也有益处。我期望每个人应当明白我们必须早起的理由。

英语日记 第59篇:

Saturday, my grandma made dumplings, one of the dumplings like obedient little ducks swimming in the bowl。 My in the mind have a little not to eat them。 But the smell of fragrance and let me greedy slobber, I eat up tit-bit。 But I eat dumplings, the heart have a kind of feeling can not tell。


英语日记 第60篇:

I went shopping with Li Mei。 We left at 10 o’clock in the morning。 When we got to the downtown, there were so many people。 It was so crowded as it was a beautiful day and it was Sunday。 I didn’t buy anything because everything was very expensive。







  An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

  Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.





  Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.




  If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English.




  It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is...). In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). I consider this an unchangeable truth.

  How can a student love his country (be patriotic)? I find my answer very simple and clear. He must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future. If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful.





  One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

  While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful).

  When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.







英语,属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊与朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到了世界各地。下面是小编为你带来的 英语日记范文10篇,欢迎阅读。


Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.

现如今报纸具有极大的价值,每个人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们可以养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来适应我们的环境。学生虽然每天都要做功课,但是他们至少可以匀出一两个小时来看报。这样,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生非常有 益处。

第二天:MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活

Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.

I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.

After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.





Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.




there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world。 Without it, life will be empty and meaningless。 If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points。

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness)。 Only a b man can enjoy the pleasure of life。

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment。 A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress。



As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things。 They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character。 In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends。 This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books。

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay GREat attention to the choice of books。 It is true that we can derive benefits from good books。 However, bad books will do us more harm than good。

如众所周知,书籍教我们学习 人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品格。换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友。这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由。


In my dream

Last night ,I dreamed I became a very beautiful brid。I dreamed that I was in a forest。 In tht forest,there were a lot of animals。Then,an old bird told us,we have a very beautiful forest,we should therefore protect it from pollution。All the animals agreed with him。

But the second day,people came into our forest。Many animals were caught。The people wanted to build house and parks in our forest。Many old trees were felled。And then suddenly,nothing was left standing。

I was so shocked and then I bursted out crying。I woke up at midnight。It was only a dream。









Today was a great day for me. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a delicious breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the library and read some books. I also did some research for my upcoming project. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a wonderful day. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a tasty breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the park and enjoyed the fresh air. I also played some sports with my friends. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a great day. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a nutritious breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the library and read some books. I also did some research for my upcoming project. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a fantastic day. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a healthy breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the park and enjoyed the fresh air. I also played some sports with my friends. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a wonderful day. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a delicious breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the library and read some books. I also did some research for my upcoming project. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a great day for me. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a nutritious breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the park and enjoyed the fresh air. I also played some sports with my friends. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a fantastic day. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a healthy breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the library and read some books. I also did some research for my upcoming project. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a great day. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a delicious breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the park and enjoyed the fresh air. I also played some sports with my friends. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was an amazing day. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a nutritious breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the library and read some books. I also did some research for my upcoming project. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.


Today was a great day for me. I woke up early and did some morning exercises. Then I had a tasty breakfast with my family. After that, I went to school. I had a great time in class. I learned a lot of new things.

After school, I went to the park and enjoyed the fresh air. I also played some sports with my friends. Then I went home and had dinner with my family. After dinner, I went to bed early to prepare for the next day.

1It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have 2 months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In summer holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.


2It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents go to work. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.


3The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool. The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends are about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain it can not play. after afternoon the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally it was not bad mood today.


4I live very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!


5Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future. I think next year we won’t make a party. Next year is a very important year. We all prepare an very important exam, we will must study hard to go the high school.I know, it is the most important for us now.


6It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the super market . It was hot outside. When I arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC’s door. I haven’t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted,we went to play badminton in gymnasium. We had a group match, and the match last for tow hours. At last, our team won, we sang a I DO Believe to celebrate.


7I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I met my friends and do something what I like. But sometimes I felt very bored. I didn’t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill because of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter.When I felt very hot, I just had a cool shower, maybe , this made me sick.

暑假过了10天了,在这10天里,我跟朋友一起玩,做了自己喜欢的事情。不过,有时候,也会觉得很无聊,不知道做什么。虽然有很多事情卡哇伊做,可是因为生病我浑身难受,这都怪那可恶的天气,实在太热了,现在的我体乏无力,昏昏沉沉的。爸妈担心我,其实也没什么啦。一觉得热了我就会去冲个冷水澡, 也许,是这让我着了凉吧。

8Time is flying. oday I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. All of us have the same time,.Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have more than a-month holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am essential to complete the homework as soon as I have time.

时间过得真是飞快啊!今天突然觉得时间真是个无情的东西,不管对谁,时间总是悄悄的逝去,不会为谁做一秒钟的停留。我们无法改变时间。时间其实也是很公平的。就算是有钱有势有地位,时间也不会多留给他们, 我们所有的人拥有同样多的时间。我突然觉得时间不够用了,因为暑假作业还有一堆在等着我呢,我一定要尽快搞定它们!

9I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some strangers and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game. It’s so cool!


10I will go to school few days later. I’m afraid that I can’t get used to the school life because I true very hate school. I don’t think there has a good school in my hometown. We have zero English teachers from USA and we have zero good computer ..May be many students can’t agree with me. But they will agree if they can see a really good school. do you agree with me.




I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer. My mother is my first teacher. I know how to type, how to copy a file, and how to visit a web site on the intern.et. One day, mom was not at home.

I turned on the computer and began to learn how to chat on n.et. The first one I met there was a boy called tom. He greeted me politely. When he knew that I was only a 9-year-old girl, and almost knew nothing about chatting on n.et, he started showing me how to use the chatting tools, how to download, and how to send e-mails. I learnt a lot from him.


I love holidays,because during holidays ,I can do everything I like,and study something new.Now the summer holidays is coming,I'm going to do something meaningful.

I like English,I spell words well,but I can not speak English very well.So I want to improve my English in the holiday.I will read English every moring,and then I think my English must be improved. I will also learn to swim.I think it is very helpful.

There are too many things to do,I believe in myself can do them well! My summer holiday must be a good one.





今天,范老师连续对我表扬了几次very good,我相信只要掌握好学习方法对我的英语会有更大的提高。对了,我的英文名叫ROSE玫瑰,好听吧。








This is my best friend,his name is Steven.We are classmates.

we together often play computer games and we talk about the computers.He adores me,because I have good grades and I'm even better with computers.We share happiness and sadness together,We are in the same boat.He's friendly to me,and he is know anything I wanted.

When I was down,he always said:"Don't give up,you were do better."So I think he is my best friend, isn't it?














Today is the Duanwu Festival.It is a special festival in China.On this day,we usually eat zongzi,a kind of food that is made of rice.So I tried to cook some zongzi today.First,I bought some bamboo leaves.It is an important part of zongzi.I made the leaves in the shape of small bottles.Ne某t,I put in some rice and meat.So the leaves can make the rice more delicious.Then,I found some thin ropes and tied up the leaves——And then the zongzi was finished.The final step was to boil some water and cook them.It was hard work,but I tried my best and it was the most delicious zongzi I had ever eaten.


What do you think the life in the future will be like?

In the future there will be computers in our homes. Computers will help us to know a lot over the world. We will be able to talk by e-mail. Scientists will make many robots. Robots can help us to do some cleaning, do some cooking or do some washing. We can do some shopping and see a doctor without going out of our homes.

The life in the future will be good. For this, we will study hard. I believe we’ll be able to do this.


Today is my first day to attend this summer camp.

I got up at si某 twenty. I have my breakfast with my friend at tem past seven. Then we had an opening summer ceremony. At 9:00, the classmates in our class had an e某am.

In the afternoon, we hfad two classes.the first seventy minutes, Miss Zhang taught us English. She taught us to sing a song. It’s a very beautiful and famous song from a famous movie. And then, a teacher from Australia taught us English. His name is brodie Williamson.

Today we learn unit 1. and I felt everything is interesting. I had a happy time.


Dear Betty,

Your dad is busy working these days. I’ll be at an important meeting in the city. Would you mind going to the supermarket and buying some food and fruit after school this afternoon? Could you please meet your uncle and cousin at the train station at 10 tomorrow morning? You can take a ta某i. I’ll be back tomorrow around 11. I’ll cook when I’m back.

See you soon!











How To Protect Our EyesOur eyes is very important.We can see many beautiful things with our eyes.Without eyes the life will get dark.So we must protect our eyes.

To protect our eyes,first we shouldn't read books or magazines too long.We can stop for a while to let our eyes have a rest.During these time,we can enjoy the hills,flowers,trees.Then wo shouldn't read books under the strong lights or weak lights.It's bad for our eyes.At last,we should keep doing the eye e某ercise.

Let's peotect our eyes,see more beautiful things.


This morning, the sun is shining, the sun shines on the body, my mother and I went to my mother's small garden to play. In the garden Huadu opened, small garden east Purple Magnolia, Magnolia, apricot, pear, a magnolia tree is a little taller than me, but it opened a flower is not better than other magnolia tree small, I leaned over the nose smell, fragrance assail the nostrils, I also and it posed for a. Apricot petals are white, flower is purple red, far from looking like covered with snow, very beautiful.


People, on their own way of life, do not be afraid of dirty! Step on the white bone and flesh, step by step to brilliant! People, walk on their own way of life, do not be afraid of sadness! Step by step to the light with sweat and tears! Man! Walk on the road of your life, don't be afraid of imitating hesitation! Follow faith and ideal, step by step out of confusion! Man!

Walking on their own way of life, it is doomed to wander! Don't hate that you don't have a confidant, because you still have yourself! Go, go to the top, step on your own heaven.




keeping a diary in english is one of the effective ways to improve our english writing ability. compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. it can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in english. if we persist in his practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in english.

in keeping a diary in english, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties. in the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to express our mind. in the second place, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in chinese. and it is extremely hard for us to put them into english properly.

as far as i’m concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a chinese-english dictionary within easy reach. what’s more, we can also turn to our english teacher for help, if necessary. in short, it is of great value to keep a diary in english for the development of our writing skills.

Friday Dec. 23, 20xx Sunny

This afternoon I went to play basketball with some of my good friends happily.

At the very beginning, I didn‘t want to go playing basketball though my friends invited me to. I was (had been) in a bad mood the whole afternoon because I didn‘t do well in the math exam. With their comfort and encouragement, I went with them. However, I was just one of the audience. I dare not have a try because I was afraid that I couldn‘t play well. Encouraged by my good friends, I picked up the basketball and played with them. And luckily I got scores. I felt very excited.

Now I have become cheerful and above all I‘ve regained self-confidence. I believe that the worst enemy in one‘s life is oneself. I shouldn‘t lose heart just because of one or two failures because I still have chances to try.

May Day 五一

April 28th Saturday Fine

It was Saturday, just before May Day. My classmates and I went to the park nearby, we didn't go there for amusement but took part in voluntary labor.

We got there at 9:00. We were pided into three groups and then began working. The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The task for Group Two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleaning the benches. The group I was in got to the Children's Play ground and wiped all the equipment clean. We worked very hard. At 11:00, when all the work was finished up, all my classmates met again. Although everyone was in a sweat, yet we felt happy because we had done good job.

4 月28 日(星期六)晴天



An artist went to a beautiful part of the country and stayedwith a famer. Every day he went out drawing from morning to evening when the sun went down, he returned and a good dinner before he went to bed. When it was time for him to leave, he wanted to becaemeour pay the famer. But the famer said, no, I don’t want any money, but give me one of your pictures, what is money. In a week the money will all be spent, but the picture will still be here. The artist was very pleased and thanked the famer for saying such kind things about his pictures.

XX年06月04日 星期六 天气:晴

chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. we also call it the spring festival. it is on lunar january 1st.

on new year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. there are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. after dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes. we have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.

on the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. on the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.





20xx.X.X 晴

My family is a “Piggy Family”, because my father, my mother and I all like sleeping and eating.

My mother is a doctor. She is very busy. But every evening she usually accompanies me for ten minutes before I go to sleep. At this time, we talk about every thing. So I love my mother very much.

My father was a doctor many years ago. Now he is an officeholder. He is very busy too. But every morning he sends me to school. So I think he’s a good father.

Today I went to the Science Museum with my best friend Lily. We went there on foot, because it is not far from our school. We saw many pictures! And we learned many things! There were many parents and their children in it! Most children were students. I think they learnt many things, too. After 2 hours, we left the museum. We got back by bus because we were tired. But we had a good time!

Today is Saturday . We had a school trip to the Park River to see the river and its bridges. We starded by bus at 6:40 am .The weather was fine and every one of us was very happy .We arrived there at ten to nine .We saw the great river and visted one of the bridges. How great it is!Then we played games ,sang songs and danced on the sand. We told stories and had a picnic under the trees . At the same time , we took a lot of photos there.We had a good time . We returned safely at half past five in the afternoon.


The new term which lasted more than one month is very different. I have to face more and more challenges. Everything is new for me,new acclimation ,new subjects and new classmates.though some subjects is canceled including history,politics,geography and so on,it was sense of exhausted that made me wanted to have a good rest all the time.Twenty days later I will face middle examination. I am busy with it every day.I don t know ability of my competitors and myself.But i will spare no efforts to conquer the grade.I want to ambitions sonner or later.


Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.

现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。 学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生很有益处。


Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.

I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.

After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.





Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do GREat tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.

你价意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。  然而,做模范学生却不容易。第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知)。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的。


there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.

无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西。没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的。如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点。  健康是快乐的要诀。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。  快乐在于知足。一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中。


As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay GREat attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good.




One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful).

When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.





It is the duty of every citizen to make the country rich and powerful (To make the country rich and strong is...). In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). I consider this an unchangeable truth. How can a student love his country (be patriotic)? I find my answer very simple and clear. He must study hard and store up knowledge so as to serve his (the) country in the future. If every student can do according to what I said, the country will certainly be rich and powerful.



the VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a GREat pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.




If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English.



Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.







Today was realiy boring.I went nowhere,I just stayed at home because the weather was rainy.The rain was raining heavily in the sky.And there was much dirty water on the ground.

I watched TV,but all the shows were long and long soap operas.I didn't like them! Then I read a book,but they were too difficult for me.So I couldn't get it!Computer games were also difficult and boring...

In short,the day was boring.I flet so bad!


I like to surf the internet,fix puters,use smart phones and take photoes。 And I found my hobbies were popular with people around me。 If my co-workers have trouble with puter or smart phone,they will ask me to help。 When I go out for a trip,I will take many photoes for others。 Today I helped my friend's nephew install QQ messenger on his iphone4 and access to the internet through Wi-fi。

I like to study,not to play Majiang。


Today I eat dinner went to play basketball, but not while my belly is very painful, I can not go to play basketball today, I'm sorry. If I don't go to play basketball well, so I wouldn't hurt.




















今天,范老师连续对我表扬了几次very good,我相信只要掌握好学习方法对我的英语会有更大的提高。对了,我的英文名叫ROSE玫瑰,好听吧。





11月10日星期五 晴

今天我回到家跟妈妈说, 英语老师让我们自己组小组来演化剧或舞蹈,要是演话剧的话可以在网上搜一搜有什么剧本,然后把它们转化成英文的剧本。下课后,我立马就想到我的好朋友刘,还有住在我们同一栋楼的郭,并且刘还叫了贾,李熹,还有郭。我数了数我们这一组,一共有六人。










Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper,we shall get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.









I had a good time last weekend. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. The homework wasn’t difficult. After that, I played volleyball with my friends. It was tired, but very exciting. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner for my parents. It was a little difficult, I think. After dinner, I went to swim in the river. I can swim very well. I had a relaxing weekend..




首先,我们小组要做的第一件事就是要确定翻译文本。经过了一番小讨论和一段小插曲后,我们决定选择《Media Now》作为英翻中的内容,《商务礼仪》作为中翻英的材料。今天我们在图书馆查阅资料的时候,发现

可以翻译的东西很多,其实这些都可以作为我们平时自学的材料。根据规定,无论是中翻英、还是英翻中,内容材料必须保证Native, 拿到《Media Now》这本书的时候,我们四个人对此都很感兴趣。我们渴望多了解一些关于媒体新闻、文化与技术的信息,而且我们发现这本由清华大学出版社于20xx年出版的书很与时俱进,内容丰富,涵盖面广,有实景、照片、图表。最终,我们小组决定翻译“全球媒介”章节,我们觉得话语很客观,内容新颖,也有我们想了解的信息和不认识的术语,通过查阅我们一定都能有所收获。我想,经过这次翻译我们一定能更深刻、更用心的了解西方文化。




August 3rd,20xx Fine

Today we buy many clothes,and parents take to the streets is happy,the parents have to pay to buy things. Unlike in their street to buy things they like to take a long time but saw the price,Ha-ha,is really very happy. I love my parents,I too thank them for the care and love.


“叮铃铃,叮铃铃”这节是英语课,迎面而来的不只是丰富有趣的英语知识,更叫人 精神振奋的是我们四个小组之间的激烈争夺。告诉你,如果这节课你组上的分数,你们整组的人就可以给自己加上5分哦。

马上就要开始了,只见同学们都 精神抖擞,有的和组上的同学互相加油打气,有的正暗下决心,准备和别组的同学一决高下。我们都把背挺得直直的,双手放得平平的,期待着这场较量。



