

时间:2024-07-17 13:51:09 作文




1.书信范文 第1篇


2.书信范文 第2篇

感谢亲密的朋友 (To an Intimate Friend)
在写感谢信时,最好提到具体的礼物,不要写:”Thanks for the beautiful gift,”
而应写到具体的礼物,如:“Thanks for the beautiful lamp”。在信中最好描述一下已经把礼品放在什么地方,何等好看等等。或者称赞送礼品的人在挑选礼物时独具慧眼,因为人们总是喜欢别人称赞他/她具有很高的挑选能力。
March 27, 20__
Dear Li Li,
Thank you so much for the traditional Chinese paintings you sent They are exactly what David and I want for our drawing room; but we didn't think we'd be lucky enough to get them as a gift!
David and I are delighted, Li Thank you very, very much!
We're looking forward to seeing you at the
Affectionately yours,

3.书信范文 第3篇

Dear Tom,
How are you doing? How time flies! It has been half a year since I came back to I miss you so much!
Every time I catch sight of our photos taken in America, I just can't help thinking of what you have done for It was so kind of you to help me practice my spoken English Besides, you taught me a lot of advanced grammar, which really surprised Actually, I shall always remember you shared with me many outstanding English novels, considering that I am extremely Nothing will be able to erase our wonderful memories, and I will cherish them
By the way, could you please tell me Smith’s telephone number and his email address? I would like to turn to him for some
What’s more, I remember you are crazy about traditional Chinese The spring festival is around the Why not come to enjoy it? I promise you won’t
Looking forward to your
Best wishes!
Yours truly,
Li Hua

4.书信范文 第4篇

You and your family are moving to another country, and you are looking for rented accommodation Write a letter to a property In your letter
introduce yourself and your family
describe the type of accommodation that you hope to find
give your preference for the location of the accommodation
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to ask for your help finding accommodation in My name is Mark Smith, and I am married with two young A recent promotion at work has meant that I will soon be based in Sydney instead of London, and so we are hoping to emigrate as soon as
Our plan is to find rented accommodation for at least the first year of our stay in Ideally, we would like a detached house with three or four bedrooms and a good-sized garden so that the children have somewhere to run
We would prefer a quiet, suburban location within easy commuting distance of the city The local schools are an important consideration, and we would like to be close to shops and other
I hope you can help us with our house search, and I look forward to hearing from
Yours faithfully,
Mark Smith(157)

5.书信范文 第5篇

对了,忘记告诉你,再过一个月,我就要毕业考了,考完毕业考,我就不会再是一名小学生了,而变成一名中学生。爸爸和妈妈对我的毕业考可是充满了希望的哦!虽然这样 ,但是我还是挺羡慕你的哦。因为你在家乡读书,并没有爸爸爸爸对你的管束,所以你生活显的十分轻松,没有什么压力,虽然这样,但是我知道你很想回到爸爸妈妈的身边来,而我却对他们对我的罗嗦感到讨厌,你却希望得到这种罗嗦。有一次,我跟妈妈说:“妈妈,我想跟欣欣换一间学校。”妈妈回到道:“你在那里肯定没几天就会哭着要回家拉。”我听完起初还不相信,可是仔细想想,也对,一个月才回阿姨家依次,而且还要自己照顾自己,我想我自己肯定照顾不了自己吧。


导读:本文书信范文大全,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和 分享。
这是我第一次给你写信,在第一次见你的时候,我对你的印象是, 你一定是一个很幽默的人,可是在相处下来的日子里,我知道了你是 一个在教学方面是一丝不苟的人,却在课堂外是一个非常孩子气的 人。
赵老师我对你的教学方法觉得很满意,可是如果你在上课能把题 目讲得更让人理解一些,那上课一定会更有趣,更深动。赵老师,我 是一个对英语很感兴趣的人,我对英语的喜欢从一年级就开始了, 老 师也让我参加过许多活动,可是在这个暑假里,你让我知道了英语成 绩好,也不一定什么都懂了,我还有很多要学。
你的教学态度从给我们讲试卷开始,我就知道了你是一个好老 师,对同学负责。赵老师,我相信如果你成为一名教师,一定是同学 们的好老师,因为你的高度负责,因为你和其他的同学很处得来。
当我知道老师喜欢的和我喜欢的东西一样时, 心里很激动,因为 周围的同学很少会喜欢黑色和红色, 因为他们觉得红色太艳,黑色太 阴郁了,所以当我知道老师也喜欢时有点高兴。 希望以后如果有缘再 能见面。


我已经不记得第一次看见你时的场景了,只知道现在的你虽然长 得不高,但有一点点娃娃音,外加后一头卷发,前一簇斜刘海。
关于你上课时的习惯就太多了。你的嗓门儿很大,估计隔壁几个 班都听得见(隔音效果太差)。你讲课的时候无论是站着还是坐着, 背都是直的,而且你总是手舞足蹈的,让我们对你越来越感兴趣。虽 然吧,你声音大,但你的语速一般,让人听了还蛮顺耳的。你总是提 醒我们把重要的内容记在笔记本上, 还是涉及到很多有的没的,不过 大多还是重要的。如果我们有不懂的,你也会一次又一次地教,这是 我最佩服的一点。
在你的课上纪律一般,所以你还是得再凶一点,这样的课堂没有 一点点噪音。你上课的时候总穿平底鞋,就算穿了高跟鞋,奇怪的是, 你也不会走出声音来。
你上课的时候,讲课很快,每节课都会有差不多的时间余下,所 以我建议你可以上得慢一点,多讲一点新内容,这样才是完美的结合!


在几个星期前,我第一次见到了你,那时的我一见你就觉得你应 该很好相处,不过你后来的表现让我大吃一惊。虽然你平时有点凶, 但是课下还是比较温柔的。老师,你的脾气有点太暴躁了,那样会使 你的脸上长痘痘的,所以,为了你的脸着想,我劝你还是不要太急躁 了一点。你老是说你自己太矮了,我倒不这么认为,不过你要是想要 长高的话,你可以去问问科学老师。
1、 你上课的时候太枯燥、乏味了,让我每次听你的课都想睡觉, 我建议你能够多增加一些元素进去。
2、 你的语速太快,让我往往还不明白,就到下一个问题上去了, 希望你能放慢一些语速。


对于您的教学质量,只比我的初中老师差点,比我小学时的老师 要好得多得多。原因是因为我小学时基本没有认真听过一节英语课。 听你的课起码可以睡觉,所以我就认真地听了几节课。你说话的速度 太快,语调还可以。建议以后说话略慢些,那样我就更容易懂了。
我希望你以后来我们这个镇中教书, 还有多吃长个子的东西。这 就是我对你的期望!


我们班的时候,我还以为是一个新来的学生,但仔细一看“哦哦…… 是老师啊!”虽然有点矮,但蛮亲切的,就这样教了我们快一个月了, 马上要走了,有点舍不得哦,不,应该是“很”舍不得。虽然只有短 短的一个月,但不知为什么不想走了,你虽然只当了我们短暂一个月 的班主任,但我以我那不咋的人格保证,不会忘了你的!
老师唉 你上课有时候随便,我觉得很好唉,这样会把我们融
入到你的课堂当中,让我们认认真真地听。你也很理解我们,虽然我 们很吵很闹,呵呵……但是老师唉……你上课讲话的速度贼快了,我 们都还没有反应过来,你就已经讲下面的题目了,有可能我们反应迟 钝吧。
老师,我希望你爱情与事业两不误,我也不知道你有没有男朋友, 如果没有就抓紧找一个吧,就凭你的相貌找个好的绝对没问题。啊! 我还要祝福你天天开心,幸福快乐每一天!
Wish you happ in ess(happy ,唉 forever!


初次见面,我以为您是来上课的,可没想到您竟是老师,但我对 你的印象非常好,我感觉你很亲切,而且恰好我哥哥的名字叫做赵鑫 宇,跟你只差了一个字。第一次上您的课,你就让我当上了课代表, 我从来都没有尝试过做课代表的滋味。本来我已经对英语失去兴趣, 是您使我再次燃起希望,每一次听写,我想我做为课代表,我一定要 做到最好,但是我比不过杨领丹。我在学校里上英语课,宁愿在这上, 学校里的老师不会把心思放在我身上,上课我回答的机会是寥寥无几 的,我上课没兴趣,自然学不好。可您却不是这样的,我很喜欢您。
记得您第一次讲英语的时候,你的声音很尖,跟说中文的声音截 然不同,您嗓门很大,有时会吓到我。说实话,我不曾发现您的其他 缺点,因为我从来不会去观察别人的优点和缺点, 也许我说的缺点在 别人看来是优点。
一个月的时间过的真快,那是因为我在这儿补习觉得很快乐, 时 间在不知不觉中飞快流逝,当您说三天不读,我真的高兴不起来,我 喜欢这儿,喜欢您上的课,我希望你们这个补习班会长久持续下去, 我保证我一定会报到,但我其实更希望你可以去我们草塔镇中教我上 课,那可真是值得高兴,(我说的都是实话,没骗人!保证!)


赵老师,你是我们班的班主任,自然有很多烦恼。我不知道以后 能不能见到你,还有最后一天了,我多么想多留一会儿,可是时间不 等人。谢谢你这一个月对我的辅导,你虽然矮,但人还是不错的,你 的教学工作也不错,但还是希望你再接再励(正确的字应该是“再接 再厉”),更上一层楼。下学期放假的时间你来不来了?我希望你能 来。因为我上课比较吵,是你很大的烦恼,可再吵也只有一天了,就 让我们吵吵完吧。我知道你为了我们班,脸上长逗逗(正确应该改写 成痘痘,孩子!唉……幸好我不是教语文的),还跟其他老师发生了摩 擦,导治(正确应该改写成“导致”)你不太和他们在一起。再见了, 亲爱的赵老师,希望下一期还能见到你,我们就用 QQ来聊天吧。


你好!刚见到你的时候,觉得你矮矮的,还戴了副眼镜,从表面 看你很温和,但实际上我觉得你有点暴躁,还有点凶。在学习上,你 善于听取别人的意见,这点很好,不过,你在讲课的时候有点闷,有 时候会觉得很枯燥,如果能风趣、幽默一点,我相信这样会更好。你 的教学态度认真,这是大家都认可的,不过,你在上课时速度太快, 有些问题我都还没搞懂,你就已经在讲其他的问题了,我希望你能讲 慢一点。
其实,我觉得你挺好的,你和学校里的那些老师不同,你把我们 看成朋友,跟我们有说有笑,这种事情在我们学校里是不大可能发生 的,所以我们也把你当成朋友,都很喜欢你。还记得刚开学,刚见到 你的时候,我有点讨厌这里,还有点讨厌你,不过这么长时间下来, 要分别了,还有点舍不得,舍不得这里的老师,舍不得这里的同学, 这种感觉 感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!

Suppose you are an undergraduate and want to land a job.
Write a job application letter in which you should include:
the job you are all pying for;
your skills and experience fit for the job; and
your expectation of a favorable reply and an interview.
Room ***, ** Longhua Road
Shanghai 200233
May 15th, 2016
Personnel Manager
Human Resources Office
Edward International Corp.
Room x x x , 95 Longcao Road
Shanghai 200234
Dear Sir/Madam,
In answer to your advertisement in yesterdays China Daily for the position of programmer, take the liberty to offer my services.
From my resume, you can learn that I have some experience in this line. I will soon graduate and receive my bachelor's degree from Fudan University. I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.
As I major in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed.
I am enthusiastic, young, sociable and ambitious. I am confident that if you could give me a chance to work in your company, I’ll prove qualified for the job.
 I would appreciate it very much if you could consider my application favorably at your earliest convenience and give me a reply. I can be reached by email at ****@****.***, or cell phone at 135xxxxx501, or the address at the heading.
Yours sincerely,
2. 关于大熊猫的一封信
假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫(panda),一直通过有关网站(website)关注三年前在美国圣迭哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:1、 自我介绍;2、 祝贺苏琳生日;3、 感谢工作人员;4、 索取苏琳三岁生日照。
Dear Sir/ Madam, 
Greetings from Chian! I’m Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. I’ve been a panda lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I’ve been watching her grow on your website. Now she’s going to be there. I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US. By the way, could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.
Yours truly,Li Hua
3. 告诉笔友你读大学希望选择的专业
Dear Amy,
Glad to hear from you.
Best wishes
                               Li Hua
Dear Amy,
Glad to hear from you. Thank you for your care. I really hope to major in computer if I enter college. I choose it for the following reasons.
First, computer is becoming more and more widely used in the information age, and it is an essential tool in both work and daily life. Next, computer is my favorite subject, and it has been my long-term dream to study it. Besides, computer graduates are in great demand, and it is a major with good career prospects, so I could find a job easily in the future. Last, staff in IT industry are usually well-paid, so I could earn a nice salary.
                                                                                                                         Li Hua
4. 祝贺朋友高升
Directions: Write a letter to your friend Henry to congratulate him on his promotion to be the general manager of his company. In your letter, you should express 1) your delight; 2) your comment;3) your wish.
Do not sign your name at the end of the letter.  Use Li Ming instead.
Dear Henry,    
I am writing to offer my sincerest congratulations on your promotion to be the general manager of your company. As your close friend, I just want you to know how lucky I am to be able to share your pride and how pleased I am at your promotion. In my view, you are a talented leader with rich experience in your field and completely deserve the promotion. I am sure, the company will make progress and obtain even greater achievement under your leadership.     
I wish you greater success in your career and I am looking forward to good news from you soon.   
Best Wishes,         
Li Ming
5. 向外国朋友推荐自己学生
请以某大学教师王静的名义写一封推荐信,向你的外国朋友Johnson 先生推荐你的学生陈琳。 该生在你校学习,即将毕业。毕业后她打算到Johnson 先生所在学校继续深造,攻读硕士学位。陈琳聪明刻苦,且乐于助人,肯定会成为好学生。如Johnson先生能给予帮助将不胜感激。
June 24,2008 
Dear Johnson,
It is my pleasure to recommend Chen Lin, my student, for her application to study in your school. She is studying in my school now & is graduating soon. After graduation, she is going to further her study in your school to get a Master’s degree. She is an enthusiastic & progressive young girl with high potentiality, clever, hardworking & willing to help others. I am sure she will be a good student. Based on Chen lin’s performance in school, I believe she will be a highly successful student at your school. I suppose her application for admission without reservation, and would appreciate any assistance you can offer her. 
Yours sincerely, 
6. 申请信之申请上剑桥大学
假如你是李华。你打算高中毕业后申请英国剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)的教育专业。请你给剑桥大学招生办公室写一封电子邮件。
Dear Sir/Madam:
  I am Li Hua, a senior high school student from China and I’ll graduate in June. I have been dreaming of being a student in the University of Cambridge, and I plan to major in Education.
I am wondering what the admission requirements for international applicants are. I will have learned English for six years upon graduation, but I need to know what kinds of tests of the English language are required for applicants, I scored well in TOFEFL one year ago, but is that enough?
  What’s more, would you please tell me what materials I should submit? Besides, when do you begin to accept applications and what is the deadline for them?
  Looking forward to your reply!
Li Hua
具体条件包括: 年龄; 性别; 爱好(旅游、运动、宠物等)。 
Dear Peter,
I’m writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.
I want to have a pen friend, hopefully a girl in her early twenties, and with interests similar to mine. In my mind, she is someone who is interested in traveling, swimming, and playing table tennis. Besides, it would be better for her to have a pet dog as I have kept one at home for some time. With such a pen friend, I think I can share with her our traveling experiences, taking care of pets, or whatever we have in common. And I believe I will improve my English by doing so and learn more about her country.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Li Hua
                          Volunteers Wanted
Our annual English Festival, which will be held on June 15-17, 2015, is now looking for 20 student volunteers to provide service for Talent Show, Speech Contest, and English Debate. If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest convenience to Ms.Chen at ******************.
1.表示写信意图;   2.陈述应征目的;     3.说明应征条件(性格、能力等)。
1.邮件词数120左右;                   2.开头和结尾部分已写好,不计入总词数;
3.可根据情况增加细节,使行文连贯;     4.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。
Dear MS Chen ,
I’m Li Hua, a student from Class2, Grade 3.                                                  
Looking forward to your reply. 
                                                                          Yours truly,
                                                                            Li Hua
One possible version: 
Dear MS Chen ,
I’m Li Hua, a student from Class2, Grade 3. I’m writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer.
I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because, by offering my service, I will be able to improve my organizational ability, communication skills as well as my confidence in speaking English in public.
As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. Besides, I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher. Successfully, I have lent a helping hand to her in several English activities of my class, which have been appreciated by both teachers and classmates.
I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectations. I will be grateful if you could give me a kind consideration.
Looking forward to your reply. 
                             Yours truly,
                                Li Hua


No matter how many friends and connections you have, in fact, you will never meet many people in your life.整合汇编 简单易用(页眉可删)

书信的作文 篇1


书信的作文 篇2


书信的作文 篇3


书信的作文 篇4


书信的作文 篇5


两岁时,我该上幼儿园了 ,离开了您的怀抱,听妈妈说刚去的时候,您不放心我,经常悄悄的去幼儿园看我听话没有?有没有哭闹 ?这样您才放心。我上中班的那一年三八妇女节,我”逼“妈妈给您买了一束康乃馨,您当时高兴的说”我这么大的年纪第一次收到花,而且还是我小孙子送的“。

Sample Writing 1:
12 May 2006
Dear Mary,
I am sorry to trouble you, but nobody would come into my mind to help me except you.
You know, I had planned this holiday for several years. A t last, my dream came true. You could imagine how excited I was. My mind was completely occupied with the holiday. I forgot to collect my laundry. I don't know if you can help me collect my laundry. I sent the laundry to the John's. It is the one down the corner on St. Peter's Street. You can't miss it, because the house is painted green-a big green house. I have got two pairs of trousers, three shirts, one T-shirt and a blanket. Call a taxi to send you home. I will pay you back when I am home.
My first stop is London. It is raining. The streets are very clean. How I wish I could have the chance to see the famous London fog. But someone told me that was already the history. One can only read things like that about London in books.
My best wishes to you.
Yours sincerely,    Peter Chen
Sample Writing 2
16 April 2006
Dear Sir,
I am working on a new project which is called A Survey of New Industry in the Maywood District. According to the design of our district, we need information about firms that have recently moved into this area. Your firm is one of the largest of these, so I shall be very grateful if you can spare the time to help me.
Three points are specially important to the project. The first one is the training schemes for school leavers. The second one is about the transport arrangements to overcome poor road and rail links in this district. The third is the plans for expansion.
Any other information will be useful, but those points are the ones with which I most need your help.
I am enclosing an information form for you to fill in. I hope you can post it to us as soon as possible. I apologize for adding to your work with this request, but I do hope that you will feel able to assist me.
I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this request.
Yours faithfully,
Mary Spencer
Useful Expressions:
                 I am sorry to trouble you, but nobody would come into my mind to help me except you.
                 I would like to seek help from you.
                 I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me.
                 I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this request.
22 March 2006
Dear Mr. Wang,
Thank you for a rapid response to our invitation. Enclosed you will find an outline of events to take place during International Week here at the University of Montana. I will also list a number of possible speaking engagements so that you can choose those things in which you are most interested. As far as topics are concerned, the topics for classroom visits are generally determined by the professor, but most professors are very flexible. We have approximately thirty-five faculty members that teach courses in Asian Studies, ranging from language and culture to history and economics.
Here is a tentative schedule:
Sunday, April 8th
10 am - Cultural Exhibition opens
12 am - International Festival begins with a speech by the university president and an introduction of visiting dignitaries
1-5 pm - Opportunity to visit festival, interact with student performers, taste foods
6 pm - Dinner with Director of Mansfield Center Phil West, Ambassador Mark Johnson, and staff of Mansfield Center
As you can see, there is tremendous interest in China here at the University of Montana. Please let me know if this outline suits your purpose, and if not, please don't hesitate to offer any suggestions for changes. We can arrange as many or as few speaking engagements as you have time for.
Thank you for your attention and enthusiasm.
Yours sincerely,
Lily Ma
Useful Expressions:
                 You will find an outline of . . .
                 I will also list a number of possible speaking engagements so that you can. . .
                 As far as the topics are concerned, . . .
                 Please let me know if . . .
                 The flight gets in at . . .
                 The flight leaves at . . .
                 One thing I'd like to do/to arrange is to . . .
Sample Writing 1:
22 May 2006
Dear Sir,
I understand your well-respected college offers a number of places to overseas students every year, and I am writing to enquire about the application procedure.
I am at present a student at Mary High School, Hong Kong, where I have been studying for the past five years. I passed the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination last year with distinctions in English and History, and credits in Economics and English Literature. My advanced-level subjects are History, Economics and English Literature. In addition to these subjects, "Use of English" is also a compulsory subject because a pass in English is a minimum requirement for admission to most faculties of the University of Hong Kong.
Apart from academic work, I have been actively involved in extra-curricular activities. I am Chairman of the English Club and I have represented my school in many inter-school contests.
On the advice of my friends, I have decided to further my studies in England because I wish to widen my horizons and benefit from the scholarly heritage of your country.
I wish to continue to study the above-mentioned subjects at your college in the 2006/7 academic year before I sit the Advanced-level Examinations in England.
As regards my character, Mrs. Chen, my Principal, and Mr. Huang, my English master, have agreed to act as my references.
As I come from a family of fairly limited means, I would like to know if there is any financial assistance available for overseas students.
Attached is a summary of my qualifications for your reference.
I should be grateful if you would kindly consider my application and notify me of the result at your earliest convenience.
Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact me or my references.
Yours faithfully,    
Lily Chen
Sample Writing 2
12 May 2006
Dear Sir,
I am a December 2003 graduate from the University of San Francisco (USF) with a bachelor's degree in International Business. As part of my career planning, I am very interested in supplementing my international business education with a basic knowledge of the Chinese language. This I hope will help me enter into business commerce with business organizations partnering with China's economic development.
I already have information from BLCU and hope to study there for at least one full year starting with this summer's program continuing through the fall and spring semester 2006. Can your office advise me if such scholarships might be available to me?
I have been studying Chinese for one year now. I am not sure what level I belong to. I was told that there will be an HSK test in our university in September. I am planning to attend the test. But I don't know if the result of the test is recognized by your university. If so, can it be a help for me to apply for the scholarship?
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,    
Tom Jolly
Useful Expressions
                 I am writing to enquire about. . .
                 I am at present a student at . . .
                 I have been studying. . .
                 Apart from academic work, I . . .
                 On the advice of my friends, I . . .
                 I wish to continue to study. . .
                 Attached is a summary of my qualifications for your reference.
                 I should be grateful if you would kindly consider my application and notify me of the result at your earliest convenience.
16:47 | 添加评论 | 发送消息 | 固定链接 | 查看引用通告 (0) | 写入日志
MBA英语书信范文精选 3
Sample Writing 1
                                                                          16 May 2006
Dear Mr. Williams,
Thank you for your letter of congratulation on my exam results. I was very pleased to hear from you. The results were a great relief. I did much better than I thought I would.
We are having a celebration party on Saturday 22 May and we shall be pleased if you can come. It is a party for me, but my parents and some of their old friends are joining in, so you will find "real people" as well as teenagers to talk to.
The party starts at half past six- drinks, and a buffet supper later. You said in your letter that you've given up driving, so my father will meet you with the car at San Mateo station. Please let me know what time your train arrives.
There is a good train back to San Palo at 10:30 and we'll arrange transport for you to catch that. I hope that won't be too late for you. It would be a pity if you had to leave while the party was still in full swing.
I do hope that you will be able to come.
Yours sincerely,   
Lily Chen
Sample Writing 2:
12 September 2006
Dear Mr. Wang,
I am pleased to invite you to a luncheon, to be held by the Monterey Institute of International Studies on October 12, 2006 at noon, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the death of General Stilwell and in honor of his daughter, Mrs. Nancy Stilwell Easterbrook. Mrs. Easterbrook was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Monterey Institute and founder of the Stilwell Scholarship, which is dedicated to supporting students from China.
For many years until she passed away, Nancy had served as a goodwill ambassador of the American people who made unremitting efforts to promote exchanges between the United States and China. The Stilwell Scholarship she founded helps support deserving students from China who have come to the Monterey Institute to pursue professional degrees in translation and interpretation, international policy studies, language teaching and business management.
I hope you will be able to join us. Mr. Chuanyun Boo, Dean of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, will be calling you soon to discuss this event further.
Yours sincerely,                                                                                
Tom Burton
Useful Expressions:
                 I am pleased to invite you to . . .
                 Is there any chance of your coming. . .
                 I was wondering if you could come. . .
                 I would like to invite you to . ..
                 I wonder if you would like to come. . .
                 I would be very happy if you could come. . .
                 Please accept my invitation.
                                                                          12 Mary 2006
Sample 1
Dear Tom,
Thanks for your letter which finally caught up with me in London. I suppose you're keen to hear how the trip has been so far. So here's a short description of what's happened.
Well, you remember we left Sydney on Monday and arrived in London 24 hours later. After such a long and exhausting flight the first thing we did was to have a good, long sleep. And after that¾a good meal to make up for all that horrible airline stuff!
The first real day of our holiday was spent just walking around London to get a feel of the place. After that, however, we were more particular and planned each day carefully.
                                                                     First, we looked at all the historical sights, such as the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament, the British Museum and the National Gallery. Then we visited some other famous places, such as Kew Gardens and Hampstead Heath. Finally, we took a one-day trip to Oxford, which is really the most marvelous town. You should make sure to go there when you visit England.
After we had seen a lot of London, we flew to Paris. A t first, we didn't like the place-I suppose because it was so different from London. Later, though, we began to really love it and started to appreciate its differentness.
The final stage of our trip is a visit to Rome, after which we will be staying in Singapore for two days before returning to Australia.
Hope everyone is well. See you soon.
Sample Writing 2:
22 March 2006
Dear Tom,
I'm just writing to let you know that we're all well, and I hope you are, too. Unfortunately, I've got some rather bad news for you: I'm afraid I made a bit of a mess of John's car. Anyway, here's what happened.
We were on our way to Carol's after a long party, and I suppose it must have been about eleven o’clock. Well, the last few miles back home were really dark and deserted. I now realize I was probably going a bit too fast for a country lane because, although the road was fairly straight, I drove up onto the curb and went into a tree.
Of course, John was absolutely furious and started shouting at me and cursing. After we'    d argued for a few moments, we decided to look at the damage, and he calmed down a bit. Well, we found we could move the car, but the wing was caught on the wheel, so we couldn't drive it. I tried to pull the wing clear, but I didn't succeed.
Anyway, John went off to phone for a breakdown lorry, but while he was away, I had another go at the wing and this time succeeded in pulling it right off. I threw it onto the back seat, and by that time John got back and we were ready to go¾so we didn't need the breakdown lorry at all. John has more or less forgiven me now, but he was very angry with me for a few days. I suppose I was a bit careless.
Well, that's all for now. Next time I write I hope I'll have better news for you.
Yours sincerely,
Linda Chen
Useful Expressions:
                 When I knew him he must have been in his early thirties. (people)
                 It is an exceptionally old university town. (places)
                 It was long, round, cigar-shaped, and had several curious markings on the bottom. (objects)
                 The whole flat seems to be a hive of activity. (human scenes)
                 My hotel room looks out across a main road which runs beside the river. (landscape)
                 My father would often bring home gramophone records. (habits and conditions)
                 If you want a quick reply, the letter should be taken to the central post office and registered. (processes)
Sample 1
22 March 2006
Dear Ms. Reinhart,
I am terribly sorry that I failed to arrive at BLCU last Friday. I hope that this did not mess you up completely, although I know that you had already made some special arrangements for my visit with you parents and friends. I am very sorry about all that. I am sure you will be sympathetic, however, when I tell you that my father is dangerously ill in hospital, and that I found it impossible to leave for the visit when he is in this state.
My father was working very hard on his project on protecting the environment. I know the project has come to a very important stage. He and his assistants did not take regular rest for three weeks. Last night, my father had a heart attack and was soon sent to the hospital. The doctor said my father was in a very serious situation, and, he might need an operation.
24 hours have passed. Nothing has changed. I have to stay at the hospital. I will let you know if there is any good news.
I am sorry again and look forward to seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely,   
Tom Williams
Useful Expressions:
                 I must apologize for. . .
                 I do apologize for. . .
                 I am awfully/terribly sorry about. . .
                 I offended you quite unintentionally.
                 Please accept my apologies.
                 This is one of the reasons I couldn't make it.
16:46 | 添加评论 | 发送消息 | 固定链接 | 查看引用通告 (0) | 写入日志
Sample 1
20 March 2006
Dear Sir,
I was very interested in your advertisement in today's edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.
I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area.
I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition.
If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Lily Ma
Sample 2
20 June 2006
Dear Sir,
I noticed an ad. In the paper today you said you were looking for people to join your expedition team. It sounded as if it might be fun so I'm writing to say I'd like to come along.
About myself: I left school at 16 because I wanted to earn a bit of money. After that I got a few part-time jobs as a waiter, etc. But I didn't stick to any of them for long. Recently I've been doing a bit of hitch-hiking round Europe so I've had some experience of traveling the hard way which should come in handy on the expedition you're planning. By the way, I'm a great guitarist so I can keep you all amused round the campfire at night.
Let me know when I can call in for a chat about dates and other details, etc.
David Smith
Sample Writing 3:
12 May 2006
Dear Sir,
I am writing to apply for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain. I did my five years' basic training in medicine at Shanghai University. After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the People's General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.
As a result of the publication in 2003 of my article in New Scientist entitled "Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses ", which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr. Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr. Ma Li of the University College Hospital. I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.
Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like to study in Britain for two years.
I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr. Li Ming and Dr. Ma Li.
Yours faithfully,
Lily Chen
Sample Writing 4
22 October 2004
Dear Sir,
I would like to apply for the post of Works Manager, which was advertised in The Guardian of I2 October 2004. I feel that my qualifications and experience are ideally suited for the position.
I was born in 1968, and I went to school from 1973 to 1988. In 1987 I took the General Certificate of Education, and I got good grades in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. After leaving school, I attended the Orient Technical College, where I first studied Fiber Technology and Color Chemistry; later I studied other subjects related to textile manufacture, and in 1991 I obtained the Diploma in Textiles.
After completing my studies, I joined the Top Clothing Company where I worked until 1996. In that year I moved to Prior Productions, who was pleased with my work, and as a result, in 1998, I was promoted to Assistant Works Manager there.
I enjoy my work, and I am prepared to work hard. Moreover, I am sure that Prior Productions would give me an excellent reference. I therefore feel that my application deserves your serious consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Mary Ma
Useful Expressions:
                 I would like to apply for . . .
                 I wish to apply for the position of . . .
                 If you need any other information concerning my background, . . .
                 I am writing to you to apply for admittance to your university as a visiting scholar.
                 I hope it would be possible for me to take some training courses and work in your laboratory.
                 I believe that with your help I would make progress in my career.
                 Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant me an interview.
                 An early response will be very much appreciated.
                 Enclosed please find a resume and a list of my publications.
Sample 1
15 April 2006
Dear Sir,
I saw your advertisement for "the perfect lighter" in Sunday Times last week and immediately sent off a £2 postal order and the completed form for the lighter.
Imagine my surprise when all I got in return was a box of matches! I could understand a mistake. I might even pardon a joke. But in this case, your advertisement is a deliberate lie since a friend of mine who also sent the coupon got the same result.
I think it's a shame to promise an economical lighter when in fact you are not selling a lighter a1 all. Instead of saying it works quickly, you should admit that you are offering matches. And what about "only" £2: I usually pay 10 pennies for a box of matches, and they are often given away free.
I regard your advertisement as a serious deception and demand that you send me my money back immediately. Otherwise I will take active steps to make sure the Consumers' Association hear about it.
Yours faithfully,    
Peter Li
Sample Writing 2:
12 March 2006
Dear Sir,
I am highly disappointed in the proposed 2004-05 budget cuts to educa1ion. Taking away basic aid status and slashing our school budgets is a recipe for educational disaster in our school. The future lies with our children. They must have access to high quality educa1ion.
My husband and I have worked hard to be able to live in a school district that provides high quality education for our children. Cutting funding in districts like ours will have a negative impact on property values.
The school that my daughter attends is hardly wha1 I would describe as a "rich" school. Parents are asked to pay for books for all the classes, science supplies and for their students to participate in the performing arts among other items. If our school is to remain a world leader in technological development, cutting our school funds is the worst possible choice to make.
Education funds should not be diverted away from education.
Yours faithfully,
Tom Williams
Useful Expressions:
                 I am highly disappointed in . . .
                 I am writing to place a complaint against. . .
                 I am sorry to inform you that. . .
                 I am writing to draw your attention to . . .
                 Please make sure that appropriate measures are taken to solve the problem.
                 I hope you will look into the matter and give me an immediate reply.
                 If our demand is not accepted and put into practice, we would resort to other measures.
16:44 | 添加评论 | 发送消息 | 固定链接 | 查看引用通告 (0) | 写入日志
Sample 1
20 June 2006
Dear Mr. Seaton,
Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.
The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky.
I think the river trip was the best thing of all. London really came alive for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to Greenwich. It was all tremendously exciting - a day that I shall never forget.
Thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat.
Yours sincerely,   
Linda Chen
Sample 2
20 July 2006
Dear Mr. Wang,
Thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful letter in support of MCEA (Maywood Chinese Education Association). Your letter clearly articulates all the major reasons children in Maywood will benefit from studying the Chinese language as part of their elementary school education. It provides invaluable support that will help making bilingual Chinese education a reality in Maywood public schools.
Although MCEA would like to see Palo Alto public schools implement the first bilingual Chinese kindergarten class in September of 2006, we have learned that the school district must take the time to understand how a new program will affect existing educational offerings, and to validate community interest. Nevertheless, MCEA, with more than 70 members, will continue to actively promote bilingual Chinese education in the Palo Alto public schools and will keep you apprised of the progress we make.
Thanks again for sending a letter in support of MCEA. We' will continue to do all we can to realize this program both for families of Chinese descent and those with a general interest in participating in the growing economic power of China.
Yours sincerely,
George Chen
Useful Expressions
                 Thanks for. . .
                 It was very nice/good of you to ...
              Thank you very much for. . .   
              I must thank you for. . .
             I am extremely grateful for your help. . .
             I am most grateful for. . .
Sample 1
21 June 2006
Dear Mary,
Thanks for your last letter. I'm so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I won't be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.
There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.
To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.
When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.
Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ¾ you can see it from the window.
Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.
Yours sincerely,   
P.S. I will leave something for breakfast in the fridge. Help yourself to anything you want.
Useful Expressions:
                 Here are some instructions and suggestions.
                 May I suggest that we meet at the gate of the university?
                 I'd like to suggest you should visit London for at least two days on your way to Scotland.
                 Considering your present situation, I propose that you should apply for the post.
                 What I want to suggest is ...
                 My suggestion is that. . .
                 If you. .. , you had better. . .
最后一句话,比如期待您的回信:Looking forward to your reply. 或者Looking forward to hear from you.
最下面写自己名字时候,先写:Yours sincerely, 或者Sincerely yours, 如果是朋友的话,就写Yours,
Dear Professor Williams,
I feel really delighted and honored to be invited by you to give a presentation to the foreign students, and I will certainly be careful to prepare for the making of it.
To let the overseas students know much about our Chinese culture, I think that my presentation is supposed to include at least two key points. On the one hand, I will put much stress on the history of China. You must know that our China is an ancient country with a pretty long history. On the other hand, my second strong point should be put on the main diet in China. The reason is that Chinese people in different regions have totally different inclination to choose food and Chinese food everywhere is quite delicious.
Those two points are what I would like to emphasize, and I would like to know of your opinions on this and I wish you could give me some further ideas on it. I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Dear Mr. Smith,
On behalf of the Student Union, I am sending this e-mail to you to invite you to act as our judge of English speech contest to be held in our university on June 5.
To be more specific, our contest is on the topic of how to embrace tough challenges in this digital era. During this competition, ten participants will deliver their speeches with respect to this topic. It is widely acknowledged that you are a top expert in this field, so we sincerely hope that you can accept our invitation. For further information, please call me at 9999999.
We are looking forward to your reply and arrival.
Sincerely yours,
Zhang Wei
Dear Peter,
Best Wishes,或者Yours,或者All the best!
Li Hua

敬爱的老师:   您好!   时光飞逝,转眼间我们升入了5年级,在这硕果累累的金秋时节,我们踏着醉人的花香,迎来了第21个教师节.   当无知的我们走进实验小学的大门,我们看见了您慈祥的面孔.是您领我们学会了加,减,乘,除.也是您领我们走进知识的大门,把知识宝库的金钥匙交到我们手中,让我们去努力,去发现,去探索;也许在什么时候,我们幼稚的话语可能伤害过您,可是您仍把我们当做您的 一个个调皮的孩子.   没有阳光就没有花朵,而没有教师哪会有诗人,文学家,作家,哪会有举世闻名的歌德巴赫猜想!   多少次,我们看见您在认真的批改作业,您在细细凝视,一行行,一页页.在您没看完前您不肯离去.因为您知道那是孩子们的翅膀和台阶.这时当我们看见您,我们多想递上一杯清凉的茶,说一句:老师,您辛苦了!有人说,老师是园丁,培育除一代又一代的人才,我觉得这话没错,您就是园丁,我们是春天里 的幼苗,茁壮的绿叶上有您的汗珠,鲜艳的花朵上有您的微笑!不管您有多忙多累,您始终精神饱满的出现在我们面前,为我们讲授知识.您为我们的成长付出了多少心血,牺牲了多少个良宵啊.您额头的皱纹刻下了千丝万缕的慈爱;您鬓边的白发记载着长年累月的辛劳.就像我们不会忘记有养育之恩的父母一样,也不会忘记您----我们的启蒙恩师.   写到这,我们要对您说一句,老师,您是我们心中永远的天使!   祝您节日快乐,身体健康,永远年轻,桃李满天下!   此致   敬礼   全班同学敬上   2005年9月10日

一般由称谓、问候语、正文、结尾、署名、日期所构成。 我们以刘星给强强的一封信(红色标注)为例作简单讲析。

根据写信人与收信人的关系,在姓名前可表明身份,如“学生 ××× ”、“儿 ×× ”等。
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  未来的世界我们都不知道是怎么样的,于是我产生了这样的联想:也许所有的东西都受到了污染,地球变得非常严重,人类意识到了环保的重要性。因此,科学家发明了很大的高科技让地球的环境不受到破坏,并维护生态平衡。每家每户都有造水机器,人们可以把一些垃圾从入口放入,并用一种激光将垃圾变成水,在进行一些加工.排出的是一些纯净水.可直接进行引用,把一些剩下的存起来,如浇花时可使用.街上非常安静,听不见汽车鸣笛,因为那时的车是多功能三用.这三用汽车也是变形汽车,在陆地上和其它汽车一样,但在行驶中不排出有害的气体,全是靠太阳能,若是在天上行驶,将从车的两边伸开翼把车轮隐藏起来,车里有造氧设备,如果在水上行驶,轮胎也会旋转90度车身变轻,当轮胎转动,车就会向前行驶.交通也非常畅通,而且每行驶1公里就有一个安全道.公园里的每个花园都有一个自动浇花器,当花快枯萎时就会自动提示,喷水器就开始自动进行浇花.在家你也可以让机器人为你做任何想做的事. 游乐园也发生了翻天覆地的变化,再也没机器的杂音,到处都可以听到孩子们的欢笑声.



现 在的你可能已经上大学了,也可能中专已经毕业几件踏入社会,或者是……一切都是未知数,我猜不到也想不到,只是你现在生活的还好吗?学业及生活时候有遇到 难题?爸爸妈妈的身体是否健康?你一定要好好地孝敬他们哪!父母为了你们付出了太多了!弟弟妹妹已经长大,是否还会经常闹别扭,令父母头疼?